Wednesday, February 22, 2017


The weather this week has me bewildered, bemused and flummoxed as temperatures have inched their way up to nearly 80 degrees. It's only February and yesterday Ed and I worked outside most of the day in T-shirts.

In some ways, I welcome this unseasonably warm weather. It's great for planting the 90 tree seedlings* that were delivered to our doorstep last Thursday and I've ventured to plant some peas, spinach and beets in my raised garden and some Easter-egg radishes in one of the porch barrels.

The red-winged black birds and killdeer have returned. When I stepped outside this morning just before sun up, I could have sworn it was mid-April. The dawn chorus of birdsong confirmed that the young male birds are back and their fancy has turned to thoughts of love.

As in past years, I'm itchy for spring – constantly on the lookout for early signs. The first daffodils, Lenten rose, and swollen tree buds. I brought some wild pear branches inside for forcing and sure enough, the tiny white flowers are unfurling right before my eyes.

But wait, I haven't experienced a good snow this year and there is nothing I like more than several inches of the white stuff. I want to walk the trails and be amazed by all the animal tracks. I want to make a white-bean cassoulet and sit close to an all-day fire, reading Upstream, Selected Essays by Mary Oliver. I want the heavy snow to pack down the native grasses in our fields so that new growth this spring won't be camouflaged by last year's spent seed heads. I'm not ready to give up on winter.

I suppose a good snow could still come. The 10-day forecast has only one night dipping below freezing, so that takes us into early March. If it comes at all, surely it will fall one night and melt away the next day. That would suit me fine. I could get a quick fix.

Mother Nature, bring it on.


Note to self: Seedling trees were ordered from the Kentucky Division of Forestry and included 10 each of: Persimmon, Pawpaw, Sassafras, Wild Plum, Baldcypress, Kentucky Coffeetree and Cherrybark Oak, Water Oak, and Overcup Oak. 

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