Tuesday, November 6, 2012


My talented landscaping-design friend, Barbie, gave me her garden tiller this past summer. I didn't have a need for it until today, when I decided it was the perfect day to get the garden ready for fall-time garlic planting. Coincidentally, Jack had come out for dinner (and laundry). So, I put him to work tilling up a long row in the garden. It worked beautifully. Thank you Barbie! And thank you Jack!

1 comment:

  1. What a thrill for me to pass along a relic in my garage ( it DID had a previous life) to such an enthusiastic new gardener!! I am absolutely thrilled that you and Jack have put it to good use. YOur winter crop sounds yummy.....afortunately, I have already experienced the bounty of the summer garden in the form of one of the most delightful and delicious meals overlooking the lake. Please notify me when the beets are harvested... I'll invite you for dinner and ask you to bring them:)
    You are living a life that many of us dream about!!!!!! Thanks for sharing
