Sunday, January 29, 2012

The Galloway Way

When I married Ed 25 years ago I had to learn "The Galloway Way" of doing things. The Galloway Way encompasses how one approaches life in general, but has at least three very specific components. Number 1: No whining. Number 2: (closely related to number 1) Be tough, buck up and push your way through pain. Number 3: Do not ever look at the picture on the box top of the jigsaw puzzle you are trying to work.

I have learned to embrace numbers 1 and 2, but this third one really stumps me. Do you have any idea how hard it it to work a 1000+ piece puzzle and not even know the subject matter?

In true Galloway fashion, Maggie and Mary worked their way through this Charley Harper puzzle. All those blue pieces were especially tough. Maggie's friend, Julie, who was visiting for the weekend, helped with the last handful of pieces. All done (except for one missing piece in the lower right corner.)

Time to break out a new puzzle. But, don't look at the box top! It's not the Galloway Way...

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