Monday, March 23, 2020

Home, thankfully

Until a week ago, Ed and I were in sunny Mexico, fairly oblivious to the fright and panic that our friends and family were experiencing on a minute-by-minute basis. Yes, we knew that a virus was coming to the US – but it was not being reported as dire before we left.  We were largely insulated from the stress by 1) our desire to live a week without news coming at us from every direction (combined with our lack of understanding Mexican-language, thereby never turning on the TV news)  and 2) the Mexican government's resistance to acknowledging the possibility that the coronavirus may have been alive and spreading even as its people continued to gather in large groups.

We flew home last Wednesday on nearly empty planes and I admit that I was relieved to be safely back home. I am grateful for our life here on Farm Dover and happy to wander our ever-greening paths, weed and mulch the gardens, forage from the woods and meadows, and plan and plant vegetables to feed us in the coming months. If only I could gather my dearest friends and family around, I would be content.

I know for others, life is a lot more complicated. It is scary for many and the future uncertain for all.

It seems a bit inappropriate to put up a bunch of photos from our trip when folks have other things – more important things – weighing on their hearts and minds. Because I don't want to forget the highlights, I've added a section to this post I wrote about our first trip to Mexico in 2018. I'll save the other pics for a happier time.

Like kidney stones, this too shall pass. In the meantime, I hope you and your beloveds stay healthy.

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