Friday, August 22, 2014

Orange (Julius) Bar now open for orioles

When I was five, The Mall opened just a mile or two from our house. It's official name really was just The Mall (now known as Mall St. Matthews). It was the first enclosed suburban shopping mall in the state of Kentucky and was greeted with much fanfare. It featured an A&P Grocery, Kaufman-Staus Department Store, and my favorite: Roses Discount Shop. It also had an Orange Julius and I thought the orangey-creamy-frothy drink they served up was the best thing ever.

(I just goggled Orange Julius Classic to see what is in it and guess what? It's a secret! Hmmm, no telling what those secret ingredients include. But at the time, I didn't care. I thought it was delicious.)

I hadn't thought of an Orange Julius in a long, long time – until today when Ed put up the oriole feeder that we got at the farmers' market in Alden, MI last week. Orioles evidently have a real sweet tooth and love to feed on oranges. Our new feeder has a spike on each side on which we speared an orange half.

Living at Farm Dover are at least two pairs of Orchard Orioles, and perhaps their offspring hatched in June. We are hoping they stop by our all-natural Orange (Julius) Bar for a drink.

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