Wednesday, December 28, 2011

Clearing Trails

Ed and I spent the better part of a recent sunny day clearing a trail that we hope will someday soon circumnavigate our property.

We started at a fallen tree on the far side of the lake and worked our way all the way down to where the creek crosses the back tree line.

Along the way, Ed split some wood for our winter fires.

Armed with chainsaw, clippers, and a weed whipper, we worked our way through a thick and thorny briarpatch.

It was tough, but rewarding work. Here's how it looks so far.

I think it is lovely and can't wait to take a hike down to the creek, with picnic basket in tow.
Hope you will come join me....


  1. Shameless plug for the company my older sister works for, but have you ever seen a Jaw Saw by Worx tools? Looks like it would come in handy in clearing a trail! Stephen Todd and I got one for Gay for xmas! Can't wait to come back and visit the farm!!

  2. Looks interesting. Maybe I can talk Gay into coming to help us clear some trails and test out her Jaw Saw! Hope you and Steven will come back soon and hike the trail with us. deb
